Meetings in 2016
St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-9 September 2016: The Musical Salon in Visual Culture - 16th International Conference of Association RIdIM and the IMS Study Group on Musical Iconography - cfp deadline 1 April 2016, see
Musical Iconography
Chair: Nicoletta Guidobaldi (Ravenna), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Beni culturali, via degli Ariani, 1, I-48121 Ravenna, Italy; Steering committee: Nicoletta Guidobaldi, with Björn Tammen (Vienna), and Alexandra Voutyra (Thessalonica).
The main goal of the STG is to promote scholarly exchange on musical iconography as part of cultural, historical, and anthropological studies. The STG regularly organizes international conferences and doctoral seminars on varying topics, ranging from antiquity to the 21st century, and maintains a specialized bibliography, available as a common resource on its website.
Meetings in 2015
On 28-29 September 2015 an international conference devoted to "Travelers to Faraway Countries and the Musical Imagination on the Move, 1500-1900" took place in Lecce (Italy), locally organized by Daniela Castaldo in collaboration with the Università del Salento.
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The IMS Study Group was represented at the joint IAML/IMS conference on Music Research in the Digital Age that was held in New York 21st–26th June 2015, by the participation of its chair, Nicoletta Guidobaldi, and member of the Steering Committee, Björn R. Tammen, in the session titled “’Was lehren uns die Bildwerke?': Music iconography from the pioneers to the present,” chaired by IMS President Dinko Fabris. Also in 2015, MedRen (Brussels, 6-9 July 2015) and the Musiconis conference on “The visual representation of speech, sound, and noise from Antiquity to the Renaissance” (Chartres, 11-13 June 2015) involved active participation of Study Group members.
Meetings in 2014
On 22 May 2014 a Study Day on Musica e immagine nelle romanze del XIX secolo: Francesco Masini e Ciro Pinsuti tra Parigi, Londra e l'Italia was organized in Florence by Biancamaria Brumana (Perugia), in collaboration with the Doctoral Program “Pegasus” (Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena), and with the support of the Società bibliografica Toscana and the Ministero dei Beni e delle attività culturali. The Study Day was hosted by the Museo di Casa Martelli, which hosted an exhibition of 19th-century illustrated scores, complemented by a concert for piano and voices in which some of Masini’s and Pinsuti’s romances were given first performances in the modern age.