Italo-Ibero-American Relationsships. The Musical Theatre
Rapporti Italo-Iberoamericani: Il teatro musicale / Relaciones Italo-Iberoamericanas: El teatro musical (RIIA).
Chair: Annibale Cetrangolo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The public session of the RIIA Study Group at the IMS Congress in Rome brought together scholars from Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Uruguay, with papers on "Migrations, yesterday and today: Identity and music".
Meetings in 2014
The IMS Study Group met twice in 2014.
In the context of the first conference of the IMS Regional Association for Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Havana, 17th-21st March 2014, the RIIA Study Group organized a session on “Un futuro para los estudios de la ópera en América Latina” / A future for the study of opera in Latin America, also the title of Cetrangolo’s presentation. Members of the Group contributed the following papers:
Diósnio Machado Neto (Brazil), “Bandas e óperas na Mogiana: Espaços de nego- ciações na formação do universo caipira”/ Bands and operas in the Mogiana: Spaces for negotiation in the construction of a caipira universe; Matteo Paoletti (Italy), “Opera companies traveling between Italy and South America: The Costanzi-Scala- Colón-Opéra de Paris (1915–1916) co-productions in the organizational system of the early 1900s”; Diana Giacometti (Italy), “Opera and operarios”; Stefano Gavagnin (Italy), “From the Andes to the Apennines: When the Italians sang El pueblo unido”; Michele Mescalchin (Italy), “From the academy to the grotesque vision of an Italo- Argentinian family: The Discepolos”; Marita Fornaro Bordolli (Uruguay), “A theater, a river: Communities and artistic circuits in the life of the Larrañaga theater of Salto, Uruguay”; Graciela Carreño (Uruguay), “The curtain of the Larrañaga Theater: A reflection on the concept of patrimony”; and Sergio Marcelo de los Santos Llambí (Uruguay), “Opera and canon in Uruguay: An analysis from the perspective of The ‘Washington Roldán’ Archive.”
The IMS Study Group also met in Venice and Padua (21–22 October, 2014), at a conference commemorating the establishment of IMLA (Istituto per lo studio della Musica Latino Americana) at the Università Ca’Foscari in Venice (Sede di San Sebasti- ano), the institution that coordinates the IMS Study Group. The event, “IMLA 1984– 2014: Thirty years of musicological studies between the Americas and Europe,” included presentations by Cetrangolo, Fornaro, Enrique Cámara de Landa (Argentina/Spain), Clarissa Bomfim (Brazil), Stefano Gavagnin (Italy), and Michele Mescalchin (Italy). Invited guests included Sergio Durante (University of Padua). Proceedings from the conference will be published on IMLA’s website The newly created IMLA website will provide access to RIIA’s digitized materials.
Meetings in 2013
The next meeting, organized by the University of São Paulo, will take place in Santos, Brazil; tentative date is August 2013. For more information see → pdf