IAML/IMS Congress: "Music Research in the Digital Age"
New York, 21st-26th June 2015
For the latest version of the program and congress registration, please visit http://www.iaml.info/congresses/iamlims-new-york-2015.
"Music Research in the Digital Age,” the theme of our joint New York conference with IAML, not only focuses attention on the past, present, and future of digital musicology, but also evokes a long tradition of cooperation between the International Musicological Society and the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centers. The conference will include a celebration of RILM’s 50th anniversary. RILM’s Editor-in-Chief, Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, is President of IAML and Director of the Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation at The Graduate Center, CUNY. The vast legacy of Barry S. Brook, founder of RILM (1965) and co-founder of RIdIM (1971), IAML President (1977–1980), and already a pioneer in computer applications to musicology in the 1960s, stands as a symbol of the symbiotic relationship between musicology and music librarianship that has driven the work of many scholars before and since his time.
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie; Jane Gottlieb, Vice President for Library and Information Resources, Graduate Studies, The Juilliard School; and Jim Cassaro, Head, Theodore M. Finney Music Library, University of Pittsburgh, are co-chairs of the overall Organizing Committee. Stanislaw Hrabia, Music Librarian in the Department of Music at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, is the chair of IAML’s Program Committee; Malena Kuss, Professor Emeritus of Musicology, University of North Texas, Denton, and IMS Vice-President, is chair of the IMS Program Committee. Members of the IMS Program Committee include Allan W. Atlas, Antonio Baldassarre, Tim Crawford, Per Dahl, Philip Gossett, Ellen T. Harris, and Frans Wiering. Both IMS and IAML program committees have collaborated to create joint sessions.
“Music Research in the Digital Age,” broadly defined, does not only focus on digitized resources and how connectivity can remap scholarly disciplines, but also represents both, reflections on the meta-discourse generated by this connectivity and the diversity of conceptual frameworks that inform the practice of musicology in the intercultural age.