Envisioning Worldly and Otherworldly Pleasures in Music
International Conference of the Study Group “Musical Iconography”
Madrid, November 29–December 1, 2017
The IMS Study Group “Musical Iconography” announces an international musicological conference on the subject “Envisioning Worldly and Otherworldly Pleasures in Music / Imaginando los placeres de la música: entre lo mundano y lo espiritual.” It will take place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, from November 29 to December 1, 2017.
Official website of the Study Group “Musical Iconography”
Call for papers (deadline: June 30, 2017)
Call for Proposals (IMS 2027)
The International Musicological Society (IMS) requests proposals for its quinquennial congress in 2027 from organizations able to secure a site for the congress and to take responsibility for all local arrangements. The society also requests proposals for inter-congressional symposia, which are smaller events and may take place every year. Decisions on the site of congresses are up to the IMS Bureau and the Directorium. The deadline for the quinquennial congress in 2027 is January 1, 2021. Decisions on inter-congressional symposia are up to the IMS Bureau and can be presented at any time.
Click here for more information
The History of the IMS (1927–2017)
Fresh from the press:
The History of the IMS (1927–2017)
edited by Dorothea Baumann and Dinko Fabris
published by Bärenreiter, Kassel
€ 29.95
Members of the IMS can obtain the book at a discounted price of CHF 15.00 plus shipping & handling.
Order the book (secure online form)
Sample pages from the book